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  Reduction of Registration Fee : 15th Rome World Tourism Conference
  15th WTA --POP_1719977146.jpg [233 KBytes] 15th WTA --POP_1719977146.jpg [233 KBytes]
Dear Members and Colleagues

For promotion, we Conference Organizing Committee make a decision to reduce conference registration fee as follows:

1.Before Registration Fee : 400 USD( 380 Euro) -After Registration Fee : 350USD ( 330 Euro)

2.Number of Delegate will be chosen: only 15 papers among delegates who received this e-mail.

3.Method of Selection : First Come First Serviced

The result of selection will be informed immediately after accept the abstract

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lee, Charge in the Conference through this e-mail.

Dr. Lee

Charge in the Conference
World Tourism Association
http://worldtourismassociation.org - conference
World Tourism Association
512-1205, 710 Gil, 20 Hanam-daero, Seo-gu, Gwangju, Korea
TEL. +82-62-961-8958 E-mail: scjung50@hanmail.net, scjung1950@naver.com
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